Sunday, December 31, 2006
Surprise Surprise!
Now over the past month, my bro has been keeping my parents in the dark about something. And that is that he and alison will be coming back on her birthday to celebrate for her. So I know about it as i was to pick him up and stuff and then surprise my mom by cooking steak for her and thus we have a nice family gathering cum mom birthday celebration.
Now my mom has been rather "noisy" because she was bemoaning the fact that my bro should have come bac earlier ah, come bac to celebrate the new year and birthday with her ah etc etc. Basically my mom missed my bro and she dun understand why he dun come bac. Well today we sprung the surprise on her and boy was she happy. HAhahah.. she told us she did suspect a bit because my bro did some stuff that were not of his normal nature. So did i. But well overall i think the effect was good in the end. Dinner's soon and I CANT WAIT !
Happy Birthday Mummy!
Of parties and resolutions...
Last sat rachel threw a threesome.... as in 30something party for her frens at the new disco place called St James powerhouse. The location is rather happening and very soon we run out of sitting space n have to stand around whilst pple r trying to get rachel drunk. Hhahah.. the smoke wasnt doing too well for my dear's eyes though..*hugs*... sorry i shld have been more sensitive abt it...
anyways.. the cake was highlighted by a huge chocolate dick hahaha but was too crowded to see anything else. The supposed "stripper" was disappointing though.
Oh whilst we were driving off, we heard a bang in the carpark of Vivo. Then i looked and noticed this car driving off. It had just hit the wall and had some car parts left behind. Then the car drove off and out of sight. Then i heard another BANG this time. And as we were driving out we saw the car again. This time however it smacked right into the pillar. They brought the guy out and he was STONE DRUNK. Good lord, imagine wat might happen if he manage to get out of the car park and do more damage. Sheesh :(
Yesterday i send off my dear to macau. We spent a wonderful night and its the first time i visited the BUDGET terminal. Good lord what a crappy crappy place. But since they slap on the label BUDGET, guess we are suppose to close 1 eye :p
hope my baby has a great time with her family over in macau ! :p
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
JC Frens
It was good to catch up with close JC frens last nite @ Marcus's place. Way cool place btw with large open living room space and a nice balcony area where one can chill and watch the rain fall down. He rears Arrowanas and keeps many large tadpoles to feed them. Watching all the tadpoles squirm in the fishtank gives us the creeps! Morbidly however we were fascinated when he fed some to the fishes and we were watching in awe as the fishes swam around and gobbled them up. Its like a....childlike morbid interest in something that is rather brutal actually. Hahahahaha....
Anyway i brought my autograph book which i got them to sign on when we were in JC and it was a blast for them to read their comments again last nite. AHahhaha...
We played a game of citadels and it was rather fun i must say.
I am SOOOO glad my baby was there with me even though i must admit i din give her enough attention .... hehehehe :p Now i'm looking forward to trying Cacassonne with her hahaha.. ought to be VERY interesting and fun :p
My fren mentioned when i was sending my baby and him back last nite that its the least a bf can do (the sending the gf back bit). To which my baby replied "no, its no obligation" to which my fren replied "wow dats really nice of u..."
She blogged about this in her blog so i shall blog abt it somewat in mine too (fair's fair hehehe) but anyway, i'm really glad that she has a mature view on this. Rather than expect the bf to do certain things, she's really cool with me doing what i wanna do and then she do what she wanna do..
luckily it just happens i like to do stuff she likes me to do with/for her and i like the stuff she likes to do with/for me
pictures from xmas brunch where we xchanged presents
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Death Note 2

The 2nd one kinda ties up all the lose ends and has its own multiple twists and cliff hangers. And like the manga, there was a good mixture of humor in as well which is good.
That's why i love to watch anime :p
bah its a rainy rainy boxing day...
box the stp rain clouds away...
Monday, December 25, 2006
Its Christmas !
Yay.... christmas.. our first christmas together and it was splendid. Xmas eve we went to her family + relatives place for some awesome food. Turkey, ham and her mom's special mango pomelo dessert.
SATISFYING sia... hahha..... then we went back to her place to watch her brother's response to the xbox360 that we all got for him just a while back (btw i'm SOOOOO enjoying my xbox360 now... and i got my baby hooked on Viva Pinata :p hehheeheheh ). Initially her bro tot it was some other gift that we got for him (cos serene initially got this MOnopoly Card game version and he knew about it).... then we say that the actual gift is on his bed. When he saw it he couldnt believe his eyes. It was too big and too heavy for him to think of what it might be. When he opened it, i think his heart must have done so many backflips and his eyes could have popped right out of the socket. Heheeheh.. he was THAT happy. I think that was my highlight for that night. No wait, one of the many highlights .. and that is to make someone really happy...
After that met up wif my salsa kakis for gift exchange @ VinoVino which was really nice to see them again. We clowned ard a little then after that retired for the night =) will post the pics when i get them
The other highlight was when i received cuff links from my baby. Heheheehh and they are really really nice. Pictures are here

Thanks honey ! Love them!
Then this xmas morning i gave my dad his xmas gift which was a shaver which he wanted some time but we discouraged him from buying. ahhahaah.. my mom i still owe the gift so will make it up to her some other time. We met some of the other salsa peeps and exchanged gifts.
Check out what i got :p
games on anyone ?
Friday, December 22, 2006

Movie was written by a 17 yr old i think and it shows. Nothing really fancy though if the words and sayings WERE written by him, then its at least somewat impressive. The movie reminds me a lot of DRAGONLANCE though and i guess they summarize the novel else I am not too sure what made the novel a bestseller.
Speaking of which, why hasnt someone done a trilogy on DRAGONLANCE? I mean i'm pretty sure there's enough material to fill up 3 movies of CGI and special effects no?
On a more personal note, I am beginning to enjoy these rather spontaneous dates with my baby. Last time i would prefer like maybe 3 days of mental planning before going out and what not. Last nite we decided during the day to pick her up after her lessons and then scoot over to Plaza Sg for Eragon. I think i MOST enjoy it because i got to spend time with my baby
*would you lay here with me and just forget the world!*
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
peektures for 19122006
Its been raining on n off today. On and off.. On and off.. Suddenly heavier, suddenly slacken off. Amazingly unpredictable weather.
Even then, my dear planned a pre-xmas pre-bd dinner @ senso for my parents and me.
Senso's pretty cool place... very got the MOOD :P
Food was pretty good.. its quite a amazing fusion of tastes. Cabonara was excellent. :)
Then there was the dessert.... *drool*.... enugh said heheheh
After that spent good quality time wif my dearest....
u know there's something to be said for the past making a person. But when the past causes someone u hold dear to tear and unhappy, u cant help but wish there is just something u can do to ease the pain...
Some pple shld never be hurt this bad.... :(
i can only hold on and try my best to make her smile thru the tears.....
reading her blog ... seems i manage some comfort..
never again shall she be hurt this badly.. never again.. this i swear...
Monday, December 18, 2006
Olympus Scavenger Hunt
After our "Xbox360" foray, we sped on down to Tampines Courts. Man was i fast. And in the pouring rain some more! *Eeps*
Nevertheless I reached just in time and we waited a bit more before we started off. So the salsa kakis are all there and we were basically entertaining ourselves before the start. Its nice to see everyone on a non-salsa context :P
The organisers were qutie smart. They fetched us by bus all the way over there before they started the race. Thus all our cars that are parked @ Ikea/Courts cant be used.
There was some initial confusion in the beginning but then our team leader came back to us with instructions and suddenly pple started running ala Amazing Race. We ran from high Street all the way to fullerton before we heard the news that we had to go back for the start.
Then we started again and off we were running. Omg i never seen my dear run like that before. She was WAY WAY COOL. She planned the routes, ran from point to point and was cool calm collected. I'm so proud of her :p and me ? well.... I just sucked @ running. AHhahahahah... *FATFATFAT*
But its nice when she turns around to smile @ me, open her arms to hug me or run hand-in-hand with me. *bliss*
Finally we reached the start point again but my dear had a little "accident" :( i felt kinda bad but i couldnt really do anything about it. Still i am amazed by her strength. I mean i read about and heard about how strong she is... so today was definitely a good experience for us as a couple. Fun Fun Fun !
Pity we din win anything though for all the effort....
Thanks to Simon (for checking out the prices and joining us as a team) and Wendy (for calling yr frens and joining the team as well). Couldn't have done it without you all ! :P
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Outstanding sunday!
open morning papers.
saw an ad from Best Denki.
"First 10 customers can buy Xbox Pro Gears of War edition for SGD$388 ! Savings of SGD$311"
omg.... looked @ my dear.
"Shall we go?"
In a flash we were @ parkway, on impulse and luck.
We queue and wait. We can make it!
Simon n Wendy call. We have to make it for registration for Olympus Scavenger Hunt @ Tampines later! Hurry!
Best Denki opens a little. Personnel come out to inform us there will be balloting for hotly contested items.
bo bian. we fill in form.
Shop opens. we go in. Wait for balloting. Indian kid behind me was so eager they made him the Guest VIP to draw the winners.
Before we went in i told my dear i was NEVER lucky at lucky draws. Lo and behold, my name was the first called out! *Surprised but happy*
My dear was not selected though. However there was this caucasian who's name was used to book a spot to buy the xbox360. So i casually asked if he wanted to sell me his set. He was cool about it. Thanks dude!
Originally he had his fren next to him mention that if he waited a bit longer, he could sell it for a profit. The Caucasian dude said "na... my mom taught me to be nice to others. Besides it brought a smile to their faces :P "
Yay !!!! So there ARE good pple in the world heheheeeh
My dear bought it for her bro. How cool is that :p
So now i have a new xbox360 @ home and the coolest game there is. HeeeeHeeeHeee.....
Oh regarding the indian kid, he picked 9 other winners and he was picking the last ticket. My dear said he did look @ the name and put it away quickly and chose another.
Guess what...
he won the LAST xbox360 :p he was SOoooooooo happy ....
ahhaahahaha good for him....
Oh i will blog about the Olympus Scavenger hunt later :p
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Danger Danger!
dangerous toys over the years :)
worth a read...
Yesterday was our first foray out of MIND's cafe. We went to PITSTOP cafe @ 14B circular road. Pretty "young" place as its abt 1 year old so compared to MIND's and SETTLERS, its a newbie. Its run by 4 pple, out of which 2 are married and are friends of Serene's. I guess it still has room for improvement? Last night there were only 2 grps of pple including my grp so business I reckon is so-so only. Its not really cosy and i guess is more catered to the younger crowd (with all the pictures and graffiti on the walls). We played 3 new games though and they are quite fun. suitable for the big group type.
iMaginiff, a game where you have to judge for yourself what the popular opinion is to go up the ladder. Its rather simple game but the rules can be interpreted differently thus the gameplay is slightly different. THe original intent is for you to guess what pple think you are. However if the rest of the pple gang up and together, they have popular opinion and thus they get to move a step. Not too bad though.
Oh and my dear is BACCCCCCCC :p
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

hahaha... man all these mad USB toys... I always wondered if one opens a store @ SLS / Funan selling usb gadgets and toys if it will create enough of a market here in sg.
If i were to open a USB store, i will probably carry
a) normal usb thumbdrives

c) design my own set of designer flash drives

usb missile launchers (they have laser guided ones too! U can have office wars! :) )

f) other assorted usb stuff like aquariums / drums
g) usb xmas tree

u reckon this might work in sg ? hmmmm ... well i sure would have helluva fun running the store. heheeheh...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
xbox360 / new system?

hehehe which which shld i get ? hands itchy..
even though my baby's in KL, we still sms each other regularly. 1 thing we seldom have are phone conversations. Mostly we chat face-2-face or via msn so we seldom have a need for phone conversations. But even then our phone conversations are peppered with the same amount of giggling and affection that we usually have :P
Love ya baby ! :P
Monday, December 11, 2006
#200 post! Yippie...
i shall post about my dream xmas gift to myself :P
Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 Conroe 2.93 GHz, 1,066 MHz FSB, 32 kB+32 kB L1 , 4 MB L2 |
eVGA 122-CK-NF68-AR, LGA 775 Nvidia nForce 680i SLI, BIOS version 2.053.57 |
Corsair CM2X1024-9136C5D 2x 1024 MB DDR2 @ 800 MHz (CL5-5-5-15) |
575 MHz Core
1,350 GHz Streaming Processor
900 MHz Memory (1.80 GHz DDR)
CPU + Mobo bundled = SGD$2119
Ram 2GB = SGD$759
Graphics Card = SGD$999
New LCD Monitor = SGD$399
Casing + 500W power supply = SGD$100 (estimated)
new 250GB hdd = SGD$133
dang cool rig will be able to see me thru Windows Vista + DirectX10 when it comes out in january!
cost almost as much as something else too even....
to buy or not to buy......
Silver bells..... Silver cars...... its xmas time .. in the city :)
Again another fun filled weekend with my baby...
lets see....
friday went to Union for Leon n Raymond's birthday party celebration (please gimme the pics anyone?) That was kinda fun and Melissa actually arranged a surprise for raymond in the Amara Hotel room. Pity raymond cant drink much though...hhhhahaha
Sat I was an assistant for my dear's salsa class. Pretty interesting small group and I hope i din screw up too much by the way / steps that i thought ! heheh.. Then we went Xmas shopping and at night we drove to Sarimbun Camp for her Scout Group's campfire. Wow Sarimbun campsite has changed rather drastically. Now there is AIRCON ! omg... and TV !!!! OMG OMG OMG... The campfire was pretty small but the MC was quite enthusiastic and quite good. They have a series of little cheers that I never knew existed and at the same time the old campfire songs i knew they don't really know. But all in all it was quite a good experience. Though driving there can be quite scary cos its a long long long road and very dark. Taxis must be hard to convince to drive pple in or fetch pple :)
Sun.. now sun was quite fun-ny. We went to Hbf to meet up her parents (as they just got off from cruise). Then shopping around Vivo with her mom. After that we decided to go Taka. Now @ the carpark i was kinda lost (got down from wrong exit) and asked:
"hey do you remember the color? {of the carpark area where i parked}"
To which my dear replied:
"Silver {my car is silver}"
To which i said:
"I meant where i parked la not my car color. I know my car color"
To which we 3 started laughing like crazy. Ehehehehe..Definitely was a good sunday afternoon. Oh yea her mom met my parents and she visited our new home. Which was cool as every1 clicked. Yay!
@ Nite i went for my JC fren's wedding. Good lord the parking was horrible. I had to wait for 30 mins in a queue to get into the multistorey car park. Luckily i manage to get a slot @ level 2 then went to eat. The table we had was horrible. Behind pillars and so we cant see the stage or the projection screen @ all. Food was good though and i am sooooo stuffed :(
So far i grew 1 size... %&$%&%^*%^#$%#$
though she still loves me :) :) :) :) :)
She's now in KL! Sweetie enjoy your trip! Can't wait for u 2 b bacccccccc :P
Friday, December 08, 2006
Flags of our fathers

i read the book before and being a WW2 buff i wanted to catch the show. Thanks sweetie for watchin it with me :P
Pretty interesting show and there was a fair amount of fighting and shooting as most war movies nowadays are. The story tells of politics and the concept of heroes and what it really means or who heroes really are. Not too bad and not over gory or over the top.
oh yea i had good soup + abalone tonite! yippie :p
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Of Love and Fries :)

Sun i sent my parents off to perth as well to attend my bro's 2nd wedding party. We had macs and I have another "Ericism"
"Love is picking up the nua fries so your dear can eat the crispy ones she likes"
Then we headed over to Vivo , walked ard and then watched "Deck the Halls". its one of those feel good holiday movies so no surprises there but still i enjoyed myself wif my baby.
Yay all is bright and gay. I'm happy :P
House Warming + Belated Bd celebration

We had a perf on friday. I did it again :( forgotten the moves here and there so end up was ad hoc some of the time. Sigh i need constant drilling. THanks dear for peppering me with little smackeroos whilst our performance to give me support :p
Sent my bro + wife off on fri for they having a 2nd wedding party in australia. Then had a kaki gathering cum Kelvin's belated BD celebration on sat. Was very fun we played Citadels and "Thurns and Taxis" and mahjong. Elaine was the winner (no surprise there :P ) n i think the gang generally enjoyed Citadels. Yay !
Nowadays i can be found grinning most of the time and we all know the reason why :p thanks baby !