Quackster's random rambelings Part Deux

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Outstanding sunday!

open morning papers.
saw an ad from Best Denki.
"First 10 customers can buy Xbox Pro Gears of War edition for SGD$388 ! Savings of SGD$311"
omg.... looked @ my dear.
"Shall we go?"
In a flash we were @ parkway, on impulse and luck.
We queue and wait. We can make it!
Simon n Wendy call. We have to make it for registration for Olympus Scavenger Hunt @ Tampines later! Hurry!
Best Denki opens a little. Personnel come out to inform us there will be balloting for hotly contested items.
bo bian. we fill in form.
Shop opens. we go in. Wait for balloting. Indian kid behind me was so eager they made him the Guest VIP to draw the winners.
Before we went in i told my dear i was NEVER lucky at lucky draws. Lo and behold, my name was the first called out! *Surprised but happy*
My dear was not selected though. However there was this caucasian who's name was used to book a spot to buy the xbox360. So i casually asked if he wanted to sell me his set. He was cool about it. Thanks dude!
Originally he had his fren next to him mention that if he waited a bit longer, he could sell it for a profit. The Caucasian dude said "na... my mom taught me to be nice to others. Besides it brought a smile to their faces :P "
Yay !!!! So there ARE good pple in the world heheheeeh

My dear bought it for her bro. How cool is that :p
So now i have a new xbox360 @ home and the coolest game there is. HeeeeHeeeHeee.....
Oh regarding the indian kid, he picked 9 other winners and he was picking the last ticket. My dear said he did look @ the name and put it away quickly and chose another.

Guess what...

he won the LAST xbox360 :p he was SOoooooooo happy ....

ahhaahahaha good for him....

Oh i will blog about the Olympus Scavenger hunt later :p


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