Malaysian Salsa Festival 06

yay i'm back. Our team's performance was a blast there and we were even invited to perform @ the next Sydney Congress! That was a real surprise to us as we din expect anything but to perform to our best @ the festival. Judging from the response from friends and the crowd alike, we did real goot :P
Hotel wise we got stiffed again. La congress we settled for 2nd best, cherating as well. SIGH. hotels dun like us. Then the food was.... so-so.. The hot humid weather and the dancing conditions din help much. At the end of the nights we were mostly sweating like pigs. We had to alternate between the dance floor and the nearby aircon rooms to get breather..
The workshops was interesting. I learnt SON , which is like where salsa morphed from. Its like a very animalistic form of dance and reminds me of the ANimal Planet when i saw the instructors perform. Nevertheless its quite fun and interesting as its more a form of game on the dance floor and a way where the 2 dancers communicate with each other (and try to get into the pants of the woman... so to speak). *wink*
Dave Paris WOWed the crowd wif his lifts and tricks and the workshop he conducted was professional and well done.
Personally my biggest achievement would be learning how to do cuban moves properly :) That and also we did a great performance of cos :P There were also revelations on my life and my current situations (more on this later if i have the time) and also making of new friends. The last nite we stayed up till breakfast time @ 7am then snooze a little b4 we had to take the bus bac @ noon.
Overall there were definite ups and downs @ the festival and while we din really take much time to enjoy the beach and the sun and the sand, it was pretty good experience nevertheless...
wats next? i duno.... for now its back to normality....
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