After all the panicking and the rushing the day finally arrived.
Things pretty much fall into place even though there were a lot of anxiety (esp from my parents) so that was good :)
Tea ceremony at our place was funny because we din really know how the procedure should go and who should go first and all that. ahhaah.. but i suspect my family weren't really bothered by the specifics, just wanna get it over with.
Church was nice. Airy, white, my mom loved the atmosphere. Lotsa songs of praise and meeting the in-laws. I think the most significant part of the Church portion was when my brother sang a song to his wife. His voice cracked and all and it was truly touching. It followed by thank yous to my parents and everyone that made it happen. Now THAT made a few pple tear up. Hardly do you see my parents cry these days but these are tears of joy and happiness. I'm glad. After that we moved on to lunch @ the Hyatt.
Frantic scanning of the table list to place pple at the various tables. Then move in to sit and eat and enjoy the dinner. Now usually I'm on the guest side and we have time to chit chat and catch up and stuff. Today I was on the VIP side and its amazing fast how time flies by with the food and all. Time really is relative depending on your perspective i must say. Oh and the food was pretty good too! Not to mention the MCing received rave reviews.
Well done baby! :pAfter which we proceeded to the hotel room where everyone had to go see (machum like show flat viewing like that). Then we had tea ceremony for alison's side of the family and then that was the end! Yoohoo ! a long day..... and its finally come and gone! A new life and a new chapter for my brother! I just want to wish them every success in what they plan to do, be it in singapore or in australia, know that we are always here for you and alison.
*love hugs and manly kisses*