President's Scout Chapter Investiture @ the Istana

Hong Leng has started a President's Scout Chapter and we were all there for the investiture yesterday where we are now Chapter members. The ceremony was quite formal and all and the President asked me what i did. I should have commented about the selling art stuff that i'm trying to start. Oh well. There will be other chances :)
Was a good time to see old friends again and wonder how come most of the higher-ups in the HQ have such big bellies. Was a good time to see wats happening in the scout scene. The badges now are SO COLORFUL you half expect them to glow in the dark when they go pubbing (not that they will go disco in scout uniform but you get the drift).
Food was not too good though but was filling enough.
Best part of the whole night? I get to be one of those guys that send the emcee home... HEEHEEHEE
like little bear's porridge and bed and chair, everything's justtttt right
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