Scoops (of movie and ice cream)

Pretty interesting movie though i wun really call it a hit. WOody was being himself. And just by being himself he kinda stole the whole show away with his quirks and mannerisms. Hugh jackman was being.. tall and handsome.... and Scarlett Johansson was ... well... trying too hard i guess. I think she kinda puts me off in the movie.. plus she has a damm wierd body shape.. i just cant put my finger on wat though.. HMmmmmm....
but the haze was mostly not too bad last nite and i had great fun talking, listening, watching pple prance and bounce and stuff @ DA:NS... i'm contented...
ooo and i tink i sprained some back muscle doing tricks and stuff ..... gotta warm up and remember i'm not young anymore! :( *bleah*
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