Happy 96th Birthday Great-grand-ma

Our family + relatives gathered @ my great-grandma place last sun for a buffet lunch cum celebration thingie. My great-grandma is turning 96 today! 96! Wow.. can u imagine what you might be like when u reach 96?
A couple of years ago she was still spritely and can play mahjong till late nights and still win a couple of rounds. That is until she had a fall and then her system kinda started to wind down. Nowadays she cant play mahjong and not as energetic as before. Her memory is still very strong and can remember all our names, however she is getting skinnier and skinnier :( ~sigh~....
still i wish she will be able to carry her great-great-grandson. Then will have wu dai tong tang (5 generations) and i think that will be a grand occasion indeed :)
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