Sunday and new blades

So my salsa gang decided to go blading and asked me along. Havent bladed for a long time so i went to buy spanking new blades (ard sgd$249) and went to blade. Pretty cool now that new blades have lotsa cushioning which means i can wear thinner socks which means my socks wun stink so bad afterwards. There are plenty of new road along the ECP paths and we bladed past the new cable skiing park. Its kinda cool actually, but a bit like those rides u get @ amusement parks. I heard it was sgd$90 for 1 whole day rental which is rather.... steeeep for my tastes :)
Anyway along the way back I was giving a fren a piggy back via my own locomotive power. We approached a hump and she fell. She din break away though so i fell too. She more sim tia her hp chain than abt me *sobsob*....
sorry pal, it was a gift from someone previous...
11:20 PM
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