Superman Returns

watched superman returns.. in my superman T ! :p hahaha.. well its not exactly super spectacular show.. kevin spacy was being his usual "charming" self.. i started liking his acting from American Beauty. That was a goot show. This is just to showcase superman to the millions of younger generation that did not have the same benefits as we did the last time.
The main score never fails to make me puff my chest out hahha...
Tango practica @ jitterbugs was pretty ok. they are quite pro so i feel like Salsa 101 again. But i think i'm getting more comfy wif the music and how i am suppose to lead with intention and with my chest.
chest chest chest.
so much chest :p
wah best you wear can, I wear then that stupid vincent say I maid *grrrr* discrimination!
8:48 PM
really ? who say who say ! grrrrr
2:33 AM
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
5:32 PM
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