Quackster's random rambelings Part Deux

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Oxford project

The Oxford Project

Here's something really cool http://oxfordproject.com

In the spring and summer of 1984, Peter Feldstein used a red marker to make a sign announcing that he wanted to take free portraits of everyone in Oxford, Iowa (pop. 673).

Twenty-one years later, Peter set up his camera again. Some of the original residents had died and some had moved away, but a surprising number still lived in Oxford.

Basically the project is a amazing and surprising snapshot of how life in rural america was back then as compared to now.

i find it heart warming. esp the story about one of the residents that met her hubby in kindergarten ! wow......talk abt love @ first sight :p
This project is interesting in that it involves hopes, dreams and wishes as well as the unique perspective of hindsight. I mean how many of us, 20 yrs ago, set off to do something with ourselves and now, 20 yrs later, look back and see where we were, where we were SUPPOSED to go, and where we are now?

I remember that i always tot i will b successful by 30 and even married by 30. Well, looking back, career wise is pretty okay, i get to do what i want at my own time and still earn a respectable amt. Besides i'll b changing jobs soon and that's always something to look forward to.

I'm doing somethin that i've always wanted to do and thats dancing. Even better, i manage to somehow land myself in a position to actually go to a worldwide stage and perform :) So in that aspect i'm quite contented.

I'm happy i think. Could be happier. Some of my frens know my woes/complaints/"bitching" if you will... :p sorry peeps.. but realy thank you for listening to me and dispensing the same advice again and again ... lets see wat will happen b4 i hit 30.. there's still about 2 more months to go.. who knows wat will happen *trembles in anticipation*


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